WAC Squad™

This is a platform for our Intermediate & Advance swimmers from ProSwim™ program to develop their swim skills further. In these weekly sessions, swimmers will be given additional training to build their stroke effectiveness in all areas e.g. cardio-muscular strengthening, flexibility and agility. Swimmers will also be introduced to the fundamentals of competitive swimming and be given relevant exposures and opportunities to represent Waterfun in friendly swim meets.



Important notes:

Duration for completion of each stage may vary for different learners. We encourage parents not to hurry the pace of learning and allow learners to learn at their own pace. Our coach will provide feedback and suitable advice on each learner’s progression every term.

Learner’s progress may vary according to individual’s abilities, exposure & disposition to water skills learning. In the first couple of lessons, we will assess learners and do our best to group learners according to their abilities. As they progress, we will continue to monitor their progress and make changes to groupings if necessary. This is done to ensure learners at a most suitable and group environment.

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